Laser tattoo removal is the answer to your problems if you regret the choices you made in the past.
Current laser technology now lets you erase the traces of your past mistakes, or accidental or traumatic tattoos (asphalt, rubber or radiotherapy).
In this case ‘Q-Switched’ lasers are used. These nanosecond or picosecond lasers fragment the tattoo pigment in the skin without burning or abrasion, generally removing the tattoo without scarring. The ink is fragmented into microparticles and ‘digested’ by immune cells.
For each tattoo colour a different wavelength and different lasers are used. In our practice we use 532 nm QS-YAG, 1064nm QS-YAG and QS 755nm Alexandrite lasers.
What should I expect from my first session?
You must avoid exposing the area of the tattoo to the sun for two months prior to a laser session or three months for darker skin. Your skin should not be tanned at all.
During the session you will wear protective goggles. When the laser passes over the skin you will hear the pigment in your skin fragmenting. At the end of the session, we will apply a healing cream that you will use for several days. The surface layer of the skin will then form into a thin scab and then new pigment-free skin will appear. A session lasts 10 to 30 minutes depending on the size of your tattoo.
Is it painful? Are there risks?
Tattoo removal gives an unpleasant feeling and can sometimes be painful in some areas such as the ankles. An anaesthetic cream will be prescribed.
In general there is no scarring and skin colour and texture return to normal. No-one will be able to tell that there was ever a tattoo.
In rare cases at the end of a session there is some hypopigmentation (lighter skin in the treated area). This hypopigmentation usually disappears with time and sun exposure.
In some cases there is hyperpigmentation, in other words the skin in the area treated may be darker than normal. This hyperpigmentation is more common with darker skin and fades a few months after the tattoo is removed.
Current lasers only cause real scarring, such as keloids, in exceptional cases and this is detected and treated during the sessions.
And after treatment?
You must wait two months for the thickness of the skin treated to shed the ink. The number of sessions needed therefore depends on the depth of the tattoo but also the type and colour of the ink. For example, a surface tattoo can be removed in one session whereas 3-5 sessions may be necessary to remove an amateur tattoo using Indian ink. For artistic tattoos, which are usually fairly deep, there will be ten sessions two months apart. You will gradually be able to see your tattoo fade.
The treated area must not be exposed to the sun for one month after your session. However, once your tattoo has been removed, sun exposure will help restore an even skin tone.
How long will the results last?
Current lasers are usually able to remove tattoos without scarring, provided that the sessions are not too close together, you do not tan, and you take the necessary steps to cleanse and care for your skin.
Certain tattoos are more resistant. This may be due to the colour or because it is too deep. It is still possible to remove these tattoos using continuous CO2 or fractional laser treatment after the initial laser treatment but a small scar will be inevitable.
In the specific case of cosmetic tattoos (lip liner, eyebrows), some inks used contain iron oxide that change colour under the laser to brown, black, blue or green. A test is performed before starting treatment.
How much does treatment cost?
From €120 incl. VAT per session.